Thursday, August 2, 2012

Class #11 HW Self PDF + Wonderland

I literally tried everything again. I resized photos, and even took some photos out of my presentation to see if Wonderland would recognize it. I closed everything down except for Wonderland and still no progress. It seems to be the same problem as loading the jpeg. 

 In Wonderland, with my PDF in the Finder window on the left (highlighted in blue)

I dragged the PDF directly into Wonderland and got a red border but no substance within the border. I used the tutorials and took control to see if I could switch between slides but nothing would happen.

 Dragged the PDF in again and tried to use the PDF Spreader option.

 I got the same result... No substance but a bordered window with red/green

 I read the first tutorial
 Watched the 1st Video here.
 2nd Video here.
3rd Video here.

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